Thursday, April 4, 2013

Super-Mega-Healthy-Delicious Scrambled Eggs!

Remember that time when I said I was going to start blogging?.... Yeah... about that. I could make the excuse "I'm just SO busy!" or "Finals week is coming up and of course I'm spending every spare minute studying." or "I've just gotten so many dates I haven't had the time to blog!" ...okay so maybe not the last one... or the 2nd one... and I guess maybe the first one, if you consider watching Doctor Who on netflix as being busy, which if you do: wanna be friends?

So anywho, this morning while I was staring into the emptiness which is my fridge I realized no food = cranky me. And In my fridge was a strange array of foods including a carton of eggs, half a green pepper, almost-getting-gross-but-not-gross-enough-to-throw-away celery, and in my freezer I had some frozen kiwi. And just when I was thinking all hope was lost, BAM! I had a brilliant idea!

And So I present to you, SUPER-MEGA-HEALTHY-DELCIOUS SCRAMBLED EGGS! (cue intense pirates of the carribbean- esque music)
You will need eggs, flaxseed, and italian seasoning (if you're feeling a bit WILD). 

Crack some eggs into a bowl and throw in a shake or two of italian seasoning. If you don't have italian seasoning you can use rosemary, thyme, simple salt and pepper, or my favorite: basil! 

Then put in the flaxseed. I guess I could have measured it out but measuring is for the weak. So just get  some flaxseed and throw it in. 

Then mix it up. Did I need to include this picture? No. Did i just get a new iphone that I can't stop using? You betcha. Now, there might be some clumps of flaxseed that you're about to turn your nose up at. But just trust me, it doesn't change the texture or the taste but it sure as heck will add fiber and Omega-3's to your meal, and who doesn't want that? 

The end result! I paired my super-mega-healthy-delicious-scrambled eggs with celery,green pepper, and kiwi juice (it was as weird as it sounds... I don't think i'll be trying that combination again.) I normally would add something else like a piece of whole wheat toast but, like I said, no food. 

I'm now off to the grocery store! I could wait another day, but then I'd be experimenting with condiments and who knows what could happen...


  1. How do you make the kiwi juice?

    1. I just bought a juicer (in LOVE) and I just threw in what I had on hand which was celery, green pepper, and kiwi. It was... interesting. I'm sure kiwi and some other fruit would have been awesome!
